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By forwarding to us the requested supporting documents for your franchise application, you agree to submit to our evaluation process which shall include a mandatory background check. Note that the information collected and stored shall be used and kept in strict compliance to our evaluation process and the Data Privacy Act.


Should you have further clarifications, you may reach out to NAOS Esports Franchising via from Monday to Friday, 10AM to 7PM.

  1. Complete the following initial requirements:​​​
    A. Signed Letter of Intent (LOI) – Download LOI Template here
    B. Site References

    • Site Map – Indicate Lot and nearby Landmarks (Google Maps Screen Shot of Map & Satellite View at 100m Scale) – ensure to mark on the map your proposed location

    • Photos of Proposed Site – 360 degrees view: front view (100m away & 300m away)/across street/ both sides of Street

    • Lot Plan plus Layout indicating the area for lease with measurements/dimensions

    • Site Development Map/ Floor Layout (Applicable to Malls only)

    • Lease Offer/Details (if available)


  2. Submit these documents through any of the following:
    A. Mail

    • Franchising Division, 5th Floor Tower 1 DoubleDragon Plaza DD Meridian Park, Corner Macapagal Avenue & EDSA Extension, Bay Area, Pasay, 1302 Metro Manila

    • Electronic Mail

    • Email the scanned copy of all documents at

Just follow these two steps:

Franchise application process

  • Php 12 to 15 Million The capital investment is highly dependent on the Type of Stores

  • 200-300 SQM. This is exclusive of parking space.

  • A: NAOS Esports Arenal offers the following type of stores:

    1. Free Standing – This is a stand-alone, one to two-level store with sufficient parking space.

    2. Mall – This store is located in the vicinity of a mall.

    3. In-Store – This store is located within a building with adjacent tenants on both sides.

  • A: Payback period is dependent on several factors such as sales, market potential investment & ability of the franchisee to control the operating expenses. Theoretical financial analysis will be provided once the site is approved.

  • A: The location of the site is one of the major factors in the success of the Arena. The site should be located preferably in high traffic commercial/residential areas OR within the vicinity (in accordance to Philippine regulations) of schools or universities. Proposed site with complete site requirements will undergo site evaluation and assessment.

  • A: NAOS shall provide the store design through its design partner. The design fee, however, shall be at the expense of the Franchisee. In terms of construction, Franchisee shall construct or build its own store following the approved store design. Upon request, NAOS may provide accredited or recognized contractors to Franchisee. Further, Franchisee may also opt to engage its own contractor, subject to approval of NAOS.


    A: NAOS shall provide the Franchisee with a list of accredited design partners, architects, and contractors for the Franchisee to choose from.

  • A: No. The application is site-specific which means that the applicant will look for the site subject to our site assessment and approval.

  • A: No. We will only process applications with a specific site of the store and complete requirements. However, should an applicant decide to submit an application without a site, we will include it in our data bank of interested applications without applied sites.

  • A: NAOS will assist in the recruitment and training of the arena management team. The team will then become employees of the franchisee, who will be responsible for their compensation and benefits.

  • A: Yes. After signing the franchise agreement, the franchisee is required to go through a training program in order that the franchisee can operate the store in accordance with the Franchise Business System of NAOS. The program includes hands-on training in an existing store.

  • A: Yes. To be assigned to a Franchisee is NAOS’s Operations Team who will act as field consultants throughout the duration of the franchise term. It should be stressed, however, that the responsibility and accountability of managing store operations rest on the Franchisee.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

  • Good Corporate or Individual Standing and Reputation

    • A candidate must have a good business track record, complies with government and industry regulations and has a good reputation in the industry.

  • Corporate Values and Strategic Fit with NAOS Esports Arena

    • A candidate must have qualities and capabilities that are aligned with our values as an organization and complement our way of doing business.

  • Shared Belief and Commitment in the Brand

    • A candidate must bring high levels of commitment to partner with us in growing the business.

  • Capability to fund and successfully operate the business

    • A candidate must have a strong financial capability to build and maintain the store. This also includes being able to acquire resources and work with competent personnel to be able to run the business smoothly and successfully.

  • Capability to acquire sites and manage leases
    a candidate must have the capacity and resources to acquire and provide appropriate sites for expansion.

  • Reputable

  • Possess values and beliefs that align with NAOS

  • Committed

  • Financially capable

  • Capable of site acquisition and lease management

Individuals who we are looking for as Franchisees.

Who can apply?

Innovation and Differentiation:

We prioritize innovation and differentiation by offering unique services, amenities, experiences, and partnerships that set us apart from competitors and attract a loyal customer base.

Business Sustainability:

We prioritize the long-term sustainability and profitability of our Gaming Cafes by carefully choosing locations, managing operational costs, and diversifying revenue streams effectively.

Community Impact:

We prioritize making a positive impact on the local gaming community by fostering a supportive environment for esports enthusiasts, offering opportunities and resources for growth, and showcasing local talent through recruitments, tournaments, and events. Aspiring gamers can improve their skills, compete at higher levels, and potentially pursue professional careers in esports through NAOS.

Customer Experience:

We prioritize providing an exceptional customer experience, ensuring that gamers feel comfortable, have access to top-quality equipment, and enjoy a spacious and welcoming atmosphere conducive to gaming where all their possible needs are met.

What sets NAOS apart?

For the casual gamers:
In the new digital world, we aim to be a third place for gamers to physically meet, eat, and socialize while enjoying their favorite games.

For the Esports enthusiasts:
To serve as an avenue for esports in the Philippines to grow and thrive. Our goal is to provide Filipinos with affordable access to professional-grade gaming equipment and esports tournaments to showcase and hone local talents. Our space can be a place for scrims, rentable for esports teams-whether amateur, collegiate, or professional-to practice and compete all their best with access to gaming resources.

We started as an Esports team and now are expanding into the space of Gaming Cafes. Why?

NAOS works to create new and innovative infrastructures for the development of the Philippine gaming industry. We believe in the potential of Filipino gamers and seek to provide them an avenue for career and growth.

Grow with us!

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